Demo Test Series for NEET, IIT-JEE, MHT-CET

We are offering free test series to all students. One can download the test paper using the link and answer key will be shared through whatsapp.

Test NumberTest LabelQuestion Paper Answer Key
1NEET-1to1guru-1Download Question PaperGet Answers
2NEET-1to1guru-2Download Question PaperGet Answers
3NEET-1to1guru-3Download Question PaperGet Answers
4NEET-1to1guru-4Download Question PaperGet Answers
5NEET-1to1guru-5Download Question PaperGet Answers

To Enroll for Full Test Series of NEET-2023 at affordable Price

Test NumberTest LabelQuestion Paper Answer Key
1IIT-JEE-1to1guru-1Download Question PaperGet Answers
2IIT-JEE-1to1guru-2Download Question PaperGet Answers
3IIT-JEE-1to1guru-3Download Question PaperGet Answers
4IIT-JEE-1to1guru-4Download Question PaperGet Answers
5IIT-JEE-1to1guru-5Download Question PaperGet Answers

To Enroll for Full Test Series of IIT-JEE-2023 at affordable Price

Test NumberTest LabelQuestion Paper Answer Key
1MHT-CET-1to1guru-1Download Question PaperGet Answers
2MHT-CET-1to1guru-2Download Question PaperGet Answers
3MHT-CET-1to1guru-3Download Question PaperGet Answers
4MHT-CET-1to1guru-4Download Question PaperGet Answers
5MHT-CET-1to1guru-5Download Question PaperGet Answers

To Enroll for Full Test Series of MHT-CET-2023 at affordable Price